Saturday, July 23, 2005

Why is this guy walking the streets?

Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed, the outspoken Moslem cleric who has simultaneously (1) supported the bombings in Britain but (2) condemned the killing of women and children and (3) blamed the attacks on every British subject who ever voted Labour while (4) calling for additional attacks around the world and (for good measure) (5) praises the 9/11 attacks in the United States-- has now announced his desire to see a Moslem flag waving over every capital in the world.

The man's lunacy speaks for itself, and I won't bother addressing it. But I do have some questions for authorities in Britain.

Why is he walking the streets?

What does he have to say to violate sedition laws?

Why wasn't he deported back to Syria long ago?

Does anybody watch him?

Or the people around him?

Or whatever mosque he hangs his shingle at?

And how many of the known bombers worshipped at the Mosque where he preaches?

And how many bombers have to have hung out there before that Mosque can be considered a terrorist headquarters?

And shouldn't the people who consent to listen to him when he preaches be considered likely terrorist material?

And might there not be probable cause to keep folks who listen to him under surveillance?

With phone wiretaps and house searches?

Or (to make it all easier) fly them all back to whatever God-forsaken/Allah-beloved country they came from?

Or (better yet) to club Gitmo?

To sum it up: when will the people of England (and America as well) realize they are in a war far bigger than the one in Iraq, which has been going on long before the Iraq War started, and in which the battlefield and the enemy are in England and the United States as well as Iraq and Afghanistan.