Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Interesting U.N. Piece

Blogger Tom Carter describes himself as a moderate liberal, which he is... sort of. The first time I noticed his blog I actually mistook him for a conservative because of his unconditional support for the armed forces. He is definitely a true independent who talks straight on whatever issues he addresses, and frequently ticks-off members of the two extreme ends of the political spectrum. His affection for the United States is unquestioned. And the tone he establishes in his comment sections tends to promote dialogue rather than polemics.

He has some thoughts on U.N. reform here, written before the cloture vote, but still relevant. His basic premise is that dismantling, quitting, or removing the U.N. from N.Y.C. will be very bad for the United States inasmuch as it will further isolate us in world of diplomacy. Rather, we need to press for reforms and redouble efforts to work within the diplomatic universe of that community. Although I think his idea about Bill Clinton as Secretary General places entirely too much faith in the character of Mr. Unzip, I believe his other ideas on this matter are worth considering.