Thursday, June 16, 2005

Senator Durbin's Remarks

There is only one reason I don't believe the Senate should reprimand Illinois Senator Dick Durbin for his remarks equating his country with Nazi Germany, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, the Soviet Union of Stalin's day. That is because I think it is important to have Democrats like him speak his mind so that people can remember that the Democratic leadership really does hate America and feels we should not take reasonable means to protect our territory.

Would he make remarks like that if it was the Sears tower of Chicago that was leveled on September 11 instead of the WTC in New York?

And will it require a sharp decline in his poll numbers before he decides to "distance himself" from his remarks or apologize to anyone who might be offended by what he said?

I'll bet Howard Dean just put Durban on the short list to make the keynote address for the 2008 Democratic Convention.