Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Democratic Apologies

I walked in and saw a Drudge headline stating that Senator Dick Durbin had finally apologized for comparing our country and it's armed forces to the Nazi's, the Soviets, and the Khmer Rouge.

So I made a quick link to the story and scrawled out something smart-aleck asking whether we could "still skin the guy."

Then I envisioned a couple of humorless Federal investigators turning up at my doorway who would not understand "skin the guy" as a metaphor for "continue to relentlessly criticize him."

Besides, It's ungracious to make such a reply to a person who has just rendered a public apology. Especially since I hadn't bothered to actually read the text of his apology.

So: I deleted the post and actually read the story to which I have made a link at the top of this entry.

As it happens, I can still skin...er... relentlessly criticize the guy.

God bless him. Durbin gave us a "Bill Clinton apology." To quote the AP report:

"Some may believe that my remarks crossed the line," the Illinois Democrat said. "To them I extend my heartfelt apologies."

That is, he is only apologizing to those people so stupid as to actually be offended by what, in his opinion, were perfectly innocent remarks. It is a classic variation of the "I'm sorry if that offends you" apology. He has not actually acknowledged that his words were, in themselves, deceitful and libelous.

From the account I read, he was crying at the time. So, unless Durbin is one of those people who can cry on cue (like actors, liars, and crocodiles), he must really have been sincere and remorseful.

Either that, or he was humiliated to the point of tears.

In any event, he needs to learn how to render a real apology. Pending such a development, which I don't expect ever to take place, I will stop my gleeful little rant and drop the matter. I will now no longer heap any more scorn and disdain upon him than I do any other lefty, semi-socialist, liberal Democrat.

I forgive you, Dick Durban. I might even mean it in a day or two. And I thank you for exposing the anti-American fringe of you political party so spectacularly.