Monday, May 09, 2005

They have a strange way of crying for help

According to the BBC article here, North Korea may have up to six nuclear warheads in their arsenal by now. When I saw the head line, my first reaction was: "Well, time to power up the stealth bombers and download a whuppin'."

However, UN nuclear watchdog chief Mohammed ElBaradei had a slightly milder take on the situation. According to the BBC:

He said that whether the activity observed by satellites was real or simply a bluff, "it involves crying for help, frankly."

"North Korea, I think, has been seeking a dialogue with the United States, with the rest of the
international community... through their usual policy of nuclear blackmail, nuclear brinkmanship, to force the other parties to engage them," he said.

The best way I can imagine to "engage" North Korea would be to facilitate a change of government for them.