Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Second thoughts on Newsweek

No, I'm not about to say that Newsweek really did get the story right or that they really weren't a serious example of rabid liberals letting their hatred for the President get in the way of honest reporting, common sense, and any regard whatsoever for their country or its armed forces.

But there is just a chance-- a small chance, mind you-- that the anti-American riots which swept the middle east this past week were pre-planned.

If I was an intelligence analyst, which I am not, I would want to look closely at the transcript of the first Al-Jazeera broadcasts covering Pakistani cricket hero Imran Khan's denunciation of American interrogation practices at Gitmo which he made at a press conference held on Friday, May 6. I would look for any phrases used either in the press conference or in the Arabic language commentary on the press conference that are not part of the repertoire, over there, of the usual anti-American cliches.

That is, I would be looking for an activation code to trigger various Al Qaida cells in the Middle East to commence a series of pre-planned riots.

How would this possibly help Newsweek's case? By making the staff and reporters concerned into stooges rather than instigators. Criminally liable stooges, but stooges none-the-less.

More importantly, if the riots were pre-planned and coordinated, then we will have identified a new M.O. by Al Qaida and, if local authorities cooperate, we will know who the leaders of various Al Qaida cells might be.