Saturday, May 14, 2005

And I thought I was so clever

I was musing today on the mystery of affluent, free Americans who loath the nation they call home and hate people who do love this country.

So I coined a term-- patriophobia-- meaning fear of patriotism.

I got all excited. I'm imagining the phone interview with Sean Hannity while he calls me "the patriot who identified patriophobia" on national radio. I'm thinking about how I'll have to upgrade the hit counting service on my blog.

But just before drafting the blog-entry-that-will-go-down-in-history, I did a web search on "patriophobia".

Yep. The word already existed. I found it on a gay web site.

That's alright. I'll get my vengeance. Since I do subscribe to those Judeo-Christian sexual norms prescribed in the books of Moses and currently termed "homophobia" -- no web link.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!